Sunday, January 8, 2012

End of Day 3

I saw the Muppets movie last night. It was great. Nostalgia played a huge part in it. Very clever on the part of the writers. This nostalgia I think plays a big part in what I am creating. I keep going towards it. Nostalgia for things lost versus the hope created by things new. I think that is at the core of what I am trying to say with this story. I think that is why I chose it to begin with. Shakespeare focuses on the moving forward, the new story. But what about the old? About what is left behind? What do you have to give up to move forward?

It is certainly apt in Christchurch at the moment. People are struggling to look forward after spending a whole year looking firmly and fondly backward. But there comes a time when you have to look forward, for your own sanity. It is called 'living'.

So in terms of Twelfth Night, I'm focussing on the looking backwards and the point where the story turns forwards. I think it gives weight to the new story.

Thus nostalgia.

And it can be simple. I keep seeing cluttered little museum-y scenes in my head, but this is a red herring. I think I can create nostalgia with simple things. One prop, one sound, one light. They just have to be the right things. And the right combination of things.

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